  • Black & White Interior
  • 6x9 or 8.5 x 11 Book
  • 5 Images
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions – max. 100 changes without add’l cost, over 100. $.50 each chg.
  • From Template  Layout List
  • 72-96 hours to first proof, 24 hours for proof changes
  • Mobi and Epub reflowable: These are reflowable kindle mobi and epub files, made with your cover that you furnish. They normally take 48 hours (2 working days) to produce after print book is approved.

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If you want all your categories in a specific campaign synced with Amazon. Typically we sync every 24 hours before the campaign is live. This allows you to re-sync and receive the latest results within a few minutes.

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  • Black & White Interior
  • 6x9 or 8.5 x 11 Book
  • 5 Images
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions – max. 100 changes without add’l cost, over 100. $.50 each chg.
  • From Template  Layout List
  • 72-96 hours to first proof, 24 hours for proof changes
  • Mobi and Epub reflowable: These are reflowable kindle mobi and epub files, made with your cover that you furnish. They normally take 48 hours (2 working days) to produce after print book is approved.

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This is for when your book is priced at $2.99 instead of $0.99 cents.  Additional costs are incurred to handle higher-priced books. You still need to buy the correct number of books from

See this ARTICLE also

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  • Black & White Interior
  • 6x9 or 8.5 x 11 Book
  • 5 Images
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions – max. 100 changes without add’l cost, over 100. $.50 each chg.
  • From Template  Layout List
  • 72-96 hours to first proof, 24 hours for proof changes
  • Mobi and Epub reflowable: These are reflowable kindle mobi and epub files, made with your cover that you furnish. They normally take 48 hours (2 working days) to produce after print book is approved.

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